Monday, 16 September 2013

Tips On How To Eliminate Cat Urine Smell In Home

A simple thing such as using an onion can work wonders in getting rid of the stench of the cat urine. And as a result of these crystals getting reactivated, your entire house can begin to reek of the foul smell of cat urine. Now, while the urine may dry up, these crystals get reactivated by even the slightest bit of moisture that may be present in the air. But, it is very important for you to get rid of as much of the cat urine first, by soaking up as much as you possibly can, so as to make sure that the urine does not penetrate deep into the spot where the cat has urinated. Do you know the cause of the smell that emanates as a result of a cat urinating? So, if you are looking for a great cat urine odor remover, try an onion.

Yes, this is very true. So, what do you do for a cat urine odor remover? But, there is a very distinctive smell that will be left behind as a result of the cat urinating on the carpet. So, how does this onion work its magic? You have to do this first, before you resort to any kind of remedy to get rid of the smell that is bound to emanate from the cat urine. You may be surprised to discover this, but the truth is that one of the best and most commonly used home remedies to get rid of the smell of the urine of a cat is an onion! The onion simply absorbs every bit of the odor left by your cat urinating and the best part is that there is no smell of the onion in your house.

Cat Urine

Cat Urine

There are certain proteins that are present in a cat, which causes the urine of the cat to stink so very bad. The smell of the urine of a cat can really be extremely horrible. Not only is this definitely very awful and unhygienic, when your friends visit you, you can find this to be extremely embarrassing. And the real nightmare for you is if you do not take immediate action to get rid of this foul smell it can last for weeks. It is quite easy for you to obtain a great cat urine odor remover. But, are you really aware of why this foul smell is caused? Also, this smell is so very powerful that you or even visitors to your home can easily detect this stench. For example, if your cat pees on your carpet, no doubt, the urine will dry up.

The Pet Sitter: Parrot Pandemonium

Tips On How To Eliminate Cat Urine Smell In Home

1 comment:

  1. Odors are an ongoing problem for pet owners; candles and sprays are temporary fixes, which have, to be replaced when they run out. There is a natural permanent application that will resolve your odor problems. The Ionic Paint Additive by Air-ReNu is an additive you blend with interior house paint and apply to the interior walls, and once applied it works 7/24/365 and continue to remain effective for 8-12 years.
