An easy way to solve this problem is by using a black light. When wet, depending on the shade of carpet, it can be difficult to find all of it. Urine odor is mostly caused due to uric acid and bacteria feeding on the pet’s urine. The urine scent will stick to your feet and you will track it throughout the house, spreading the scent which your pet uses to mark his or her territory. For using vinegar, combine one part each of white vinegar and water; whereas for using baking soda, make a paste out of baking powder and water. Pet urine can affect the dyes used in carpet, sometimes permanently. The idea is to wet the pet urine stain and then soak up as much of it as possible before applying an enzymatic cleaner to finish to job.
You can make use of a black light to locate the stain and consider outlining it with a chalk stick. Also note that when pet urine spots develop slowly over much time, the carpet dyes and fibers can be permanently damaged. In such a case, you do not have any other option, rather than cleaning up the carpet to get rid of stains and odors. Immediate pet urine removal should be deployed. As you have already decided the appropriate cleaning agent (baking soda or vinegar) for urine smell removal, saturate the stain with it. Professional processes use enzymes and other solutions that effectively bond with the cat urine and allow it to be removed, instead of just being masked. With pets in the house, accidents can happen any time and your well-behaved cat or dog may pee in the carpet.
For dried urine stain, the first and foremost tip for removing urine smell from carpet is, wetting the stained portion. You can also consider disinfecting with a correct product and sun drying the carpet. And the worst part is, the pet tends to return and urinate in the same carpet spot, if the smell remains persistent. Lay a few layers of newspaper or absorbent towel over the area and stand over it to blot up as much urine as possible. Last but not the least, apply a urine smell neutralizer or deodorizer to eliminate any remaining foul odor from the carpet. For fresh urine, alkaline based cleaning products are effective to remove offending odor; while for dried stain, you should exclusively use acidic products. After you have tried these steps and the stain is still very apparent or the odor continues to linger, it may be time to call on a professional carpet cleaning service.
Wet Pet
How To Get Dog Urine Smell Out Of Carpet?
Ugh, there's nothing I detest more than the smell of cat wee!
ReplyDeleteI used to have such an issue with my cats back in the times of living alone with them. You wouldn't accept the commotion they caused! Truly!
One of my 2 cats (both neutered guys) had taken to painting the majority of my dividers, furniture, and whatever else he could reach. I was alarmed when I got an UV light. He never did that in the majority of the 9 years I've had him and didn't when I got him a mate (they cherish one another and did so immediately) however when a weird dark cat fired appearing outside both of my cats went crazy and the more seasoned one (9) began his divider painting, just as the window ornaments out in the kitty room. I couldn't stay aware of it.
My cats are indoor cats so dislike the stray is really going to get in here yet the two of them detest him (and he is neighbor's cats loathe him as well). I've taken a stab at cleaning with a pet pee compound and afterward spraying some "No More Spraying" however that hasn't worked. He's a tricky little bugger as well; he holds up until he believes I'm not looking and afterward does it. He's discovered that the moment I see him backing his butt looking for trouble he gets shouted at.
It wasn't until I found "NoMoreCatPee" that I had the option to at long last dispose of this tedious conduct.
Presently my home doesn't smell like a litter box any longer :)
Here's a link if you're interested in checking out their site: