A black light clearly shows urine stains in fluorescence when seen in darkness. If you are potty training kids or have pets that often miss their litter box and do their business in inappropriate places, then you might have a lingering smell in your home, much to your embarrassment.
This facilitates easy removal of stains and odor. Nonetheless, a few home remedies also work best. Mark these stains with a chalk so that you can remove them easily, even though they may seem invisible to naked eye. Allow it to dry for some time. Baking soda neutralizes the odors instead of just masking them. Place clean paper towels on the urine and stomp on them until you remove all the visible traces of urine. You can also use a wet vacuum for this purpose. This strong urine odor can be removed using vinegar in equal proportion with water. You can use any of the above types of products depending upon whether the accident happened only lately or you are trying to remove an old, lingering smell from your carpet.
If dealing with fresh accident, blot the urine as above. Enzyme urine removal products break down the enzymes that give urine a strong odor. In such cases, a black light can be of great help. Simply spray or treat the soiled area with vinegar solution. The reason is, your normal cleaning products only mask urine odor and do nothing to eliminate it completely. Initially, the vinegar odor might irritate you, but it will soon fade away along with urine odor. On the other hand if you are combating odor from a puddle of fresh urine, then your first step should be blotting as much of urine as possible from carpet or any other surface. Cats often mark their territory by urinating or spraying on certain areas or objects. Another way of removing urine odors at home is using baking soda and water.
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Pet Urine Odor Elimination From Carpet
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