All you need to do is place a lot of moth balls in a mesh bag and tie it to a long string. Mic them in a large bowl and wash the pet with it while the ingredients are still foaming. The oxygen in the solution will react with thiols and neutralize the odor. Then toss the bag under the house. If you have experienced stinky skunk spray around your house or your pet dog, who brought the stench home, then you need to get rid of it immediately. The smell dissipates on it own sometimes, but if your house has been sprayed on directly or close enough, then you are in for a tight fight. The smell may get stuck in the air filter or conditioner and keep lingering around the house. They remove skunk odor from house by breaking down the oil and removing the odor.
Use this solution to wash the walls and floors of your house. This will help remove the natural oil sprayed by the skunk and reduce the stinky smell. This solution is a highly caustic solution that can cause burns on skin, clothes, grass, etc. You may want to use 3 or 4 bags placed at different locations around the house. The pet brings home the skunk odor along in the house. But you need to find some effective ways to remove skunk odor from house. The smell is sprayed from two glands present on either side of the anus. You can use this solution for washing dogs, cats and even clothes sprayed by skunk. So changing the filter will reduce the circulation of the smell and remove skunk odor from house.
Or you may even try making a solution of 4 parts water and 2 parts chlorine bleach to wash your floor. Carpets need to be steam cleaned by professional carpet cleaners. Getting rid of this odor is the toughest job by any home-owner or business establishment that came in the way of a skunk spray. The awful smell is due to chemicals called thiols and can be described as a cocktail of garlic, rotten eggs, burnt rubber smells. You may want to move away from the house due to the awful stench many times. The skunk uses his spray as a defense mechanism to attack anyone perceived as a threat to the animal or its litter. Be very, very careful, take utmost precautions and wear gloves. These products can be sprayed around the house, on furnishings and drapes. Skunk smell can linger around your house for a really, really long time.
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