Wednesday, 29 May 2013

The Best Way To Eradicate Cats Urine Odors Scent!

To effectively remove the cat urine smell and prevent further visits to that spot by your cat, it may be necessary to lift the carpet and clean the pad and the floor as well as the carpet itself. One trick is to search with a black light. Cat urine contains ammonia, and by using that product, you have just provided a marker for your cat telling it where to do its business next time. Do not mix with oxi-cleaning agents. Keep access clear to it, and make sure that your cat can get to it in time of need, even if there is company present. Then use a cotton cloth free of lint, dip it in the bowl and place over sprayed area. Allow to soak into fabric by applying pressure. Even steam cleaning a carpet in hopes of getting rid of the odor for good just dampens everything and brings the odor back to life.

Cats Urine Odor Carpet

Cats Urine Odor Carpet

A word of warning here. You can make your own cat urine cleaner using ingredients you most likely have already in your home. Remember, you will probably not be looking for a large puddle, particularly on carpet. Rinse and wring cloth, then repeat the process until you can no longer smell traces of urine. This is the point at which you will need a specifically designed cat urine remover. If you prefer to use oxi-cleaners, wash with oxi-cleaner after the initial washing with vinegar, then re-wash with the oxi-cleaner to avoid damage to fabrics. Why is a cat urine smell so difficult to remove even after you have cleaned the spot with a good cat urine cleaner? If the cat urine has dried and you are not sure where the soiled area is you can use a black light to detect it.

Yes, anyone with a male cat will tell you – cat spray is strong, pungent, offensive and next to impossible to get rid of once it is in any fabric. For cleaning fabric furniture and the foam cushions, mix a small bowl of two parts water and one part white vinegar. You can deodorize and clean cat and pet urine odors and stains from your carpets and rugs using common household products. A puppy can have many accidents on the floor before they are house trained or an incontinent older dog can leave dribbles of urine on the carpet. It is also the reason why normal household cleaners will not work to clean cat urine effectively. The urine will have come out in a stream, so the actual spot visible in the black light may not be much larger than a pencil eraser.

Nick’s Pet

The Best Way To Eradicate Cats Urine Odors Scent!

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