Saturday, 25 May 2013

The Best Way To Eradicate Cat Urine Odors!

If the cat urine is still fresh, white vinegar is effective in removing the odor. There are dozens of cat urine odor remover products in the market. You may have tried some of these products and others are really effective in eliminating stains and odors, while other products only mask the odor temporarily. Brown vinegar also has the same effect with the white ones, but it will most likely leave a yellowish mark, so its safer to use the white one. The most effective commercial cleaners are the ones that contain live bacteria or enzymes. Vinegar alone is effective in eliminating fresh stains but it is proven to be more effective when used with other ingredients. However, if you use a large amount of vinegar and the room doesnt have good ventilation, the smell might linger for several days, but it will surely go away.

There are certain mixtures that uses specific amount of ingredients for best result. Urine is usually gone with 1 application but we check and complete the application process again if needed. The good news is there are products that you can find at home that are similarly effective in removing cat urine odor. There are also other common products that can bee seen at home that helps in cleaning the stains and getting rid of cat urine odor. The main reason for this is because of the urines chemical composition that other household cleaners and water cant remove. It may leave out its odor and replace the urines odor with vinegar smell, but the smell of vinegar will eventually go away after a few hours. These products are lemon juice, liquid soap, baking soda and other mouthwash with mint flavor.

Cat Urine Odor

Cat Urine Odor

Most of these common household cleaning products are made up to dissolve grease and dirt, but not urine stains and odors. These products best works when mixed up, and doesnt have much effect if used alone. To use an effective combination for your odor removal needs, you may use an existing mixture that proves to be working or try to experiment with different ingredients and find the can help you remove the stains and odor. Unfortunately, there are some that doesnt have any effect at all. Heres a warning though, never mix hydrogen peroxide with vinegar, it will only make a toxic acid that s very harmful. This process not only pulls the urine from the carpet but reaches deep down into the pad.

Perfect Pet

The Best Way To Eradicate Cat Urine Odors!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, there's nothing I hate more than the smell of cat pee!

    I used to have such an issue with my cats back in the times of living alone with them. You wouldn't believe the mayhem they caused! Seriously!

    One of my 2 cats (both neutered guys) had taken to painting the majority of my dividers, furniture, and whatever else he could reach. I was alarmed when I got an UV light. He never did that in the majority of the 9 years I've had him and didn't when I got him a mate (they cherish one another and did so immediately) however when a weird dark cat fired appearing outside both of my cats went crazy and the more seasoned one (9) began his divider painting, just as the window ornaments out in the kitty room. I couldn't stay aware of it.

    My cats are indoor cats so dislike the stray is really going to get in here yet the two of them detest him (and he is neighbor's cats loathe him as well). I've taken a stab at cleaning with a pet pee compound and afterward spraying some "No More Spraying" however that hasn't worked. He's a tricky little bugger as well; he holds up until he believes I'm not looking and afterward does it. He's discovered that the moment I see him backing his butt looking for trouble he gets shouted at.

    It wasn't until I found "NoMoreCatPee" that I had the option to at long last dispose of this tedious conduct.

    Presently my home doesn't smell like a litter box any longer :)

    Here's a link if you're interested in checking out their site:

