Wednesday, 6 March 2013

How to Get rid of Cat Urine Smells?

If cat urine is allowed to dry it starts to form into crystals, these crystals are what makes the removal of the cat urine smell so difficult. Make sure the paint is a powder coat finish free of lead and other additives that are harmful to your pet and small children. To effectively remove the cat urine smell from the house, you can try out these simple cat urine smell removal tips. Chemical products work by changing the chemical make up of urine. For the stronger, more stubborn stains, add some liquid hand washing soap and baking soda into the cleaner. While it is not an effective stain remover, baking soda too can reduce the stench of cat urine. Once you are done with this, use an anti-bacterial stain cleanser to remove the stains and the odor. If you do not find any places where your cat has urinated straight away then this is when the problem of that awful cat urine smell begins.

Cat Urine Removal
Cat Urine Removal

Once it has dried go over it again this time with just warm water and then allow to dry thoroughly. When it gets damp or humid that smell will always come back and in some cases get worse over time. For infrequent pet stains or pet accidents pet stain removers can work extremely well. Now soak up the vinegar with paper towels to remove the excess liquid. Pet urine odor in your home can be so offensive to family and friends that they may not want to visit. This is why it is so important to know how to clean cat urine thoroughly. This usually happens when they move house or see unfamiliar faces and even when their litter box is dirty.

Using another soft cloth go over the area with your vinegar water mix gently rubbing in a circular motion working from the outside inwards. When using either of these methods there is one truth that holds true and this is where the “sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t” statement comes in. A word of warning here. It will keep your home smelling fresh while giving you time to find and neutralize offending puddles that your pets may have made while you were away. You should ideally let the vinegar soak in for a couple of minutes before blotting it with a clean cloth. Hydrogen peroxide is also considered to be a good odor remover. The urine will have come out in a stream, so the actual spot visible in the black light may not be much larger than a pencil eraser.

How to Get rid of Cat Urine Smells?

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